AMA Session with Paul Seras from Mars4

MEXC Global
MEXC Global
Published in
6 min readDec 3, 2021


Guest : Paul Seras, CMO of Mars 4

Host: Iris


Iris: Today, we’re honored to have Paul Seras, CMO of Mars 4, in our community to give us a more intuitive introduction to their unique project.

Paul, would you like to say hello and introduce yourself?

Paul: My name is Paul and I am a Chief Marketing Officer at Mars4.

My background is as Seasoned Marketing and Ecommerce Executive. I am leading the EMEA expansion of the Super G children’s GPS watch brand. I am highly experienced in building and growing passionate communities of evangelists for crypto startups.

In my career I have launched the first marketplace in Second Life.

Questions about the project:


Iris: What is Mars4? Can you share with us more in detail?

Paul: Mars4 — centered ecosystem where you can explore a virtual Mars Metaverse, own and customize your land property with MARS4 dollars and even reap the rewards of the world’s first revenue-generating NFT!

Mars4 is a unique metaverse with a virtual reality component. Our development team has modeled a detailed 3D map of Mars’ terrain after NASA’s Mars data.

Think of it as Mars’ equivalent of the 2001 Google Earth 3D map. In this virtual world on Mars, users purchase plots of land that they can later navigate, build upon and monetize.

Mars4 users purchase land plots where they can later cultivate civilisations and create economies. Landlords can build upon, rent and sell their lots.

With MARS4 they are able to get ownership certificates, change the name of the land, pay for a range of avatars, wearables and more on the Mars4 marketplace. In this way, the world on Mars leverages NFT Mars Land, Gamification and Token Redistribution to create attractive tokenomics for traders and investors.


Iris: Mars4 sounds like a really interesting project. I wonder what triggers you to launch Mars4? What are some of the real-world problems/ pain points that Mars4 aims to solve?

Paul: There are few problems that created an incentive for Mars4 to emerge.

First of all, not many people will be able to explore Mars in reality, therefore, we wanted to make them to be able to explore it virtually.

In addition to this, existing NFTs are not generating yield at the moment and we wanted to create an innovation here.


Iris: I learned that Mars4 has two tokens. What are they? Would you tell us more about their tokenomics?

Paul: Mars4 uses two tokens: MARS4 (ERC-20) audited by Quanstamp and Mars Land NFTs (ERC-721, both on ETH and MATIC). Supply is limited to 4B MARS4 tokens and 99,888 Mars4 NFTs.

MARS4 tokens are used for gaming, trading, and NFT minting. After Mars4 Marketplace launch 4% of Metaverse transactions will be redistributed: 2% distributed to NFT holders, 2% locked to liquidity and staking programs.

MARS4 tokens will play a key role in the metaverse’s transaction processes. Each time users perform a transaction, the Mars4 NFT holders will earn a yield.

Before the launch of Metaverse, epochs are introduced to redistribute passive income for Mars landlords. Each Epoch starts after a new 10,000 NFTs are sold.

Then, 51% of income from the Land NFTs are redistributed to the previous NFT owners, starting Epoch 1.

The project also has NFTs representing the surface of Mars. Mars Land are traditional NFT tokens they can be traded on any market place just like a normal NFT.

Smart contract of Mars4 NFT is approved by BINANCE NFT. Moreover, we believe that the yield we have built into them (passive income) that transfers to the new owner makes them even more attractive.

Terraforming your land will help to increase its value. You can purchase additional value-enhancing avatars, certificates, and logos from its in-game assets feature.


Iris: Are there any exciting news or updates with regards to Mars4 that you would like to share with the users?

Paul: Surely there is!

Exciting news:

📍Number of NFT holders reached 5,000! 🔥🚀

📍Our support to Elon Musk and SpaceX was expressed in a tweet, where we invited to share a message “Elon is always welcome at his #sweethome on Mars4!” And Elon got back home! He is now sitting on a rock in his land. See him sitting here:


Also, 55,000 NFTs were sold!

And also let me share events:

📍CYBER WEEK with expanded rewards on SushiSwap 2x Reward Farm!

📍 888 MARTIANS Collection, collaboration with SketchAr led to Best 888 Martian NFTs coming to life!

📍 QUIZ TO EARN Events on our Discord channel, win NFTs by answering questions!

Iris: would u please share your Discord link?

Paul: Thank you!! Exciting times! Yes, of course!

Iris: join to earn their NFTs, guys 👆


Iris: If you were to summarize your project in ONE word, what would it be? Why?

Paul: Metaverse.

Why? Because this Virtual World on Mars is everything about Metaverse.

A place to connect, a place to explore, a place to live.

Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Video on Mars to make everyone’s dream to live on Mars come true. It’s Mars4.

Free-asking Session

Q1. [1201]Do you have AUDIT certificates, or are you working to AUDIT your project, to make it more secure and reliable???


Our security is world class and we follow all the best in class procedures. Our smart contract is already audited by Quantstamp who are the best in the industry and even audit huge DeFi projects like Synthetics. Check the full audit report here:

Technically the system has been designed to be safe and secure, and we are spending all the necessary resources in order to ensure that the system matches the highest security standards. We are using a combination of variuos techniques like proxy contracts, separation of concers, access control etc.

Q2. [1201] What’s your plans to get the community involved in developing in your project? Related that, what’s you done to build a strong community and grow as globally?


Mars for is a Decentralised Autonomous Organization (DAO). Mars Land owners will have complete freedom to conduct all economic activity like subletting and renting out their land to builders, architects, creators and artists for example. The only condition is that all rent and payment within our Metaverse use MARS4 (Mars dollars).

Mars4 is GLOBAL project! Everyone from young to old, from beginners to crypto enthusiasts can join us and our community! We do already have communities all around the Globe and you can join those as well. For non english speakers it is a perfect opportunity to still get onboarded to Mars!!

We have already entered the markets of:
















And our main Telegram channels:



Q3. 📌1201 Can you briefly Describe your top milestones that you have achieved so far?


Yes this has been a truly historic year for Mars4!

Things began to get really exciting when we launched our Pre-sale of Mars Land NFTs in the summer and sold over half of the total fixed supply in a matter of weeks to thousands of unique investors from every continent on earth.

In parallel we successfully closed our private sale and were delighted to have the majority of Tier 1 Venture Capital funds as investors.

We also had an extremely oversubscribed TGE event on SushiSwaps MISO launchpad.

Following on from the Mars Land presale, we have moved into an era of Epochs and introduced an NFT economy based on the concept of a “bonding curve” with continually increasing land prices divided into Epochs with Redistribution of income to the Land Holders.

After the successful TGE we listed on the SushiSwap DEX and are rolling out an Onsen staking program.

We are also thrilled to announce we have been successfully audited by Quantstamp.

Finally, we are delighted to have listed on our first Centralized Exchange (CEX) with this week’s listing on the prestigious Bittrex exchange!



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MEXC Global

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